Fahrenheit - vertaling naar duits
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Fahrenheit - vertaling naar duits

Fahrenheit (degree); Farenheit scale of temperature; Degrees Fahrenheit; °F; Fahrenheit scale of temperature; Fahrenheit degree; Degrees Farenheit; Farenheit degree; Fahrenheit scale; Farenheit; Fahrenheit Temperature Scale; Ferhenheit; Farhenheit; ℉; Fahrenheit temperature scale; Degree Fahrenheit; Farenheight; Fahrenheight; Farenhiet; DegF; Fahreinheit; Fahrenheit temperature; Degrees faranheight; Faerenheit; Degree F; Degrees F; Deg F; U+2109; ºF
  • Countries that use [[Celsius]] (°C).}}
  • upright
  • European laundry symbol for "Wash at 40 °C"

n. Fahrenheit, temperature scale
degrees Fahrenheit         
Grad Fahrenheit
F, Fahrenheit


Fahrenheit is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. It is represented by the symbol °F.
By mid-morning, the temperature was already above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
ADJ: n/num ADJ
Fahrenheit is also a noun.
He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.



The Fahrenheit scale () is a temperature scale based on one proposed in 1724 by the physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736). It uses the degree Fahrenheit (symbol: °F) as the unit. Several accounts of how he originally defined his scale exist, but the original paper suggests the lower defining point, 0 °F, was established as the freezing temperature of a solution of brine made from a mixture of water, ice, and ammonium chloride (a salt). The other limit established was his best estimate of the average human body temperature, originally set at 90 °F, then 96 °F (about 2.6 °F less than the modern value due to a later redefinition of the scale).

For much of the 20th century, the Fahrenheit scale was defined by two fixed points with a 180 °F separation: the temperature at which pure water freezes was defined as 32 °F and the boiling point of water was defined to be 212 °F, both at sea level and under standard atmospheric pressure. It is now formally defined using the Kelvin scale and hence ultimately by the Boltzmann constant, the Planck constant, and the second (defined as a specific number of cycles of the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium-133 atom.)

It continues to be officially used in the United States (including its unincorporated territories), its freely associated states in the Western Pacific (Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands), the Cayman Islands, and the former American colony of Liberia. Fahrenheit is used alongside the Celsius scale in Antigua and Barbuda and other countries which use the same meteorological service, such as Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Bahamas, and Belize. A handful of British Overseas Territories, including the Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Anguilla, and Bermuda, still use both scales. All other countries now use Celsius ("centigrade" until 1948), a scale formalized about 20 years after the Fahrenheit scale. The United Kingdom started to change from Fahrenheit to Celsius in 1962, and many people remain aware of Fahrenheit temperatures; degrees Fahrenheit are sometimes used in newspaper headlines to sensationalize heatwaves.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Fahrenheit
1. Fahrenheit.
Consciousness - The Missing Link _ Radhanath Swami _ Talks at Google
2. Fahrenheit.
Founding WELL _ Stewart Brand _ Talks at Google
3. Fahrenheit.
The Science of Whiskey _ Anthony Caporale _ Talks at Google
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The Four-Hour Chef _ Tim Ferriss _ Talks at Google
5. Fahrenheit.
The Four-Hour Chef _ Tim Ferriss _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Fahrenheit
1. Deshalb ist "Why We Fight" wohl auch deutlich weniger befriedigend, als es "Fahrenheit '/11" war.
2. Der ,Fahrenheit '/11'4;´ machte und die Wahrnehmung des Irak–Krieges in den USA veränderte?
3. Unter den Dokumentarfilmen hat ihn, gemessen am Umsatz, weltweit nur "Fahrenheit '/11" von Michael Moore übertroffen.
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5. "Fahrenheit Da Vinci" – was es heißt, einen künstlerisch freizügigen Film in einer ideologisch unfreien Zeit zu machen.